© 2011 Bob Culbertson
Bass Grooves

One of the first parts of learning how to fully use both sides of the instrument is to lay down a good groove on the bass. Once this is accomplished then you can begin to jam with the other hand.  First let's try some sample bass grooves.

This first bass line is a funky groove starting on the 3rd finger.
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This 3rd bass groove uses a pentatonic blues sound.  This bass line is played as a shuffle.  The and (+) markings are actually played on the 3rd part of the triplet feel.
Here is a little latin groove using Dm7 to G7.  Notice I play both the chords and bass with the bass hand.
On this last groove above I use the 1st 3rd and 4th finger to play the notes. You can also use your thumb, 2nd and 3rd fingers.